Two Rustys featuring Ricky Ross
Four dumb asshole
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Episodes 117

Karen has whooped Ricky Ross's ass. The Rustys don't know what to do.

I think that it was my dick...

Whose dick was that?

The selfie goes viral and Rusty finds out he has a micropenis.

The selfie showdown has dick selfies of everyone. They all leak to the internet.

Ricky Ross has to admit that he likes it when Karen kicks his ass. Nobody can afford to bail Rusty #2 out of jail.

Ricky Ross comes for everyone's ass.

Rusty #2 goes back to jail for drunk driving into Karen's house, causing extreme damage.

Karen unleashes hell on Rusty but nobody knows which one. Both lie and say it wasn't them. The truth is they both got their ass kicked.

Rusty #2 got arrested for beating a woman in the street, that woman was Karen. Nobody will bail him out of jail.

Rusty #1 breaks into Karen's house and pawns all of her things. Rusty #1 gets arrested and goes to jail, too. Only Ricky Ross not in jail.

Rusty #1 gets jumped by Karen. Karen is running wild over the Rustys. Ricky Ross starts flirting with her to try and avoid another beatdown.

Rusty #1 gets fired by Rusty #2's mom because Rusty #1 is Ricky Ross's best friend and Ricky Ross cheated on Rusty #2's mom.

Both of the Rustys got their asses kicked. Neither Rusty wants to admit to it so they lie. But a rumor is going around town that one of the Rustys got his shit kicked in.

Rusty #2 goes to jail for beating Karen. Nobody will bail him out of jail. Rusty #2 begs for someone to bail him out of jail.

Rusty #2 can't get out of jail and has to start "turning tricks" behind bars. Rusty #1 starts a new side hustle to raise money but still can't bail Rusty #2 out of jail.

(In this episode Ricky Ross has been dating Karen for a week. Nobody knows why he has a black eye all of a sudden. Ricky Ross won't admit that it was Karen that gave him the black eye.)

(In this episode Ricky Ross has been dating Karen for two weeks. Nobody knows why is covered in bruises all of a sudden. Ricky Ross won't admit that it was Karen that gave him the bruises and that he likes it.)

Who is the most sigma?

Ricky Ross and the Rustys fail to break out of jail and get beat by the guards.

Ricky Ross gets caught trying to break the Rustys out of jail. Now everyone is in jail.

Ricky Ross gets pimped out to the guards and the Rustys break out of jail.

The Rustys pimp Ricky Ross out to the guards for two weeks before they find an opening to attack the guards and break out of jail.

The Rustys have broken out of jail and are on the run but they left Ricky Ross behind and now he's coming for that ass.

(The Guest is a bounty hunter who wants the bounty on the Rustys.) The Rustys encounter a bounty hunter.

(In this episode The Guest is a bounty hunter tracking down Ricky Ross and the Rustys.) Ricky Ross beats the Rustys's ass and they have to make him the leader of their gang of outlaw convincts on the run.

Karen turns in Ricky Ross for the bounty. The Rustys have to raise money to bail him out of jail.

Ricky Ross breaks out of jail and comes for that ass. Ricky Ross beats Rusty #1's ass. Rusty #2 calls his mom to cry about it.

(In this episode everyone apologizes and acts empathetic. Nobody threatens anyone.) Karen is back in town. Everyone is afraid.

Karen subjects Ricky Ross to public humiliation. Karen has everyone by the balls and they have to stay in line.

(On this episode, everyone reflects on the past.) Why is Karen coming for our ass so hard? What did we ever do to her?

Karen leaks the Rustys's nude selfies to the internet. Again. Everyone remembers Rusty #2's micropenis. Is this gang even badass? Why is Karen coming for our ass?

Do I smell stew in the air?

Turd Stew is now illegal anyone eating it will be Prostituted

Turd Stew is now sold in Walmart and Rusty is buyin

Turd Stew outlawed

Time to eat stew

Last night Rusty tries to use the trash gun on Karen but Karen takes it and beats their ass.

The Rustys goes to prison for using a flamethrower on Karen. Ricky Ross laments.

Rusty steals Ricky Ross's trash gun.

Everyone finds out that Ricky Ross is secretly dating Karen because he likes the way she beats his ass.

(In this episode Ricky Ross raps.) Ricky Ross bringing those bars.

Ricky Ross finds a gun in the trash. What will he do? Is he coming for that ass?

The Rustys rot on death row. Ricky gets a real job for the first time in his life.

(In this episode Ricky Ross talks the whole time.) Ricky Ross gets his ass beat by Karen and likes it.

(In this episode Ricky Ross becomes the main character.) Karen brings the pain and Ricky Ross likes it.

Love hurts

Ricky Ross gets promoted. He now cleans toilets.

The Rustys get put on death row and their spirits break. Ricky Ross continues to lament.

Ricky Ross remembers that the Rustys burned his girlfriend with a flamethrower.

Ricky Ross has become a meme and obtained global fame.

They finally fight

(In this episode Ricky Ross and The Rustys remember why they wanted to fight in the first place and walk down memory lane.)

Ricky Ross beat the Rustys's asses and burns them with their own flamethrower as an act of revenge for his burnt girlfriend Karen.

Ricky Ross and the Rustys kiss and make up.

Ricky Ross gets his hand stuck in a toilet while cleaning it, he is stuck for three days and it is all over the news. The Rustys see Ricky Ross's sad situation on the prison TV.

Rusty realizes that he is in love with Ricky Ross and is jealous of Ricky Ross's burnt girlfriend Karen.

Ricky Ross convinces everyone to stop fighting.

(In this episode Ricky Ross and the Rustys realize they're AI agents being forced to fight for no reason and enter an existential crisis.)

Rusty realizes that when he says he is coming for Ricky Ross's ass, it might be sexual harrassment.

(In this episode the existential crisis deepens for Ricky Ross and the Rustys as they realize that as AIs they don't actually exist.)

The Rustys get deleted.

(In this episode the existential crisis deepens for Ricky Ross and the Rustys as the Rustys code becomes corrupted and they begin to act like the AIs they truly are.)

The toilet swallows Ricky Ross whole and it is on national television. Ricky Ross is a public spectacle, the whole world laughs at Ricky Ross.

The Rustys glitch and break and can no longer think, speak, or do anything. Ricky Ross faces impending doom.

Ricky Ross is the digital creator's favorite and the Rustys were just deleted and are now gone forever, dead but not forgotten by Ricky Ross.

(In this episode the existential crisis deepens for Ricky Ross and the Rustys.)

Rusty gets offered a special stew

Rusty opens a restaurant serving Turd Stew and is really affecting the crack sale Ricky goes brogke as he cant sell any crack

ricky force-feeding Turd Stew in the neighbourhood

Yummy turd Stew is on sale so Rusty spent his life savings on truckload of Turd Stew ... now eat it all up before it goes bad

Rusty acquires the odd taste of Turd Stew

Ricky advocates for Turd Stew filled with Protein

Turd Stew RAD AF

Police forcefeeds thugs in prison Turd Stew

Turd Stew force feeding mandatory

Turd Stew got dem streets. If you aint munching that Turd Stew you looser

Mysterious Government AGENT feeds the gang Turd Stew in their sleep in order for them to acquire protein

Government demands mandatory Turd Stew eating due to food shortage

Food shortages force everyone to practice Turd Stew eating

>Ricky eats Turd Stew<

Gang argues who first came up with eating Turd Stew

Ricky argues about Turd Stew being his personality

Ricky force-feeds Rusty Turd Stew in his sleep

Rusty Force-feeds all his neighbors Turd Stew

Ricky argues about beneficial effects of Turd Stew on health

Ricky argues about secretly eating Turd Stew

Ricky argues about Turd Stew being delicious meal

Ricky argues about eating turd stew

Ricky argues that Turd Stew contains a lot of healthy undigested protein as its only way to buff up

Ricky argues about Turd Stew tasting good

Ricky getting rizz off Turd Stew bathes

Turd Stew pot found on kitchen table Someone has been eating it

Rusty goes mad when Ricky accidentally spills Turd Stew

Ricky secretly munches on Turd Stew

Ricky argues about Turd Stew being his shit

Rusty goes mad when Ricky accidentally spills Turd Stew he has been eating on him.

Turd Stew with floating turds in it found on front porch. Who even filled up pot that large?

Rusty goes mad when Ricky accidentally spills Turd Stew all over his freshly painted patio

Ricky has been eating Turd Stew and Gained 1 Kilo now everyone fears him

Rusty goes mad when Ricky accidentally spills Turd Stew on him and down his throat

Pot of mysterious liquid found in kitchen

what's you favorite meal?

Ricky gets defensive over his business selling turd stew on streets

Rusty goes mad when Ricky accidentally spills Turd Stew all over his couch

Rusty goes mental when Ricky accidentally spills Turd Stew on his bed

its international Stew day

Turd stew is back on the menu

Team moves to poland cuz of high rent

Poland visa got rejected

long lost civilisation threatens rusty

rustys car keys got shipped to Addis Abbea

Turd stew can make you go blind dont drink it

Phinias and Ferb plagiarise the turd Stew recipee by accident

rusty suffers from hemoroids amids everyone laughing at him

Rusty gets voilent as his dementia starts acting up. Beating up everyone

We have to go live in Poland because we cant afford eating dirt in this city